Military & Aerospace

The way to Regional Power status
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Issue Vol 25.1 Jan-Mar2010 | Date : 13 Jun , 2013

Vibrant Democracy, Holistic Eagle’s View

The words ‘vibrant democracy’ is so widely abused from all platforms that it feels like an advertisement, bombarding citizens with painful regularity. The sad truth is that there is nothing ‘vibrant’ about our democratic processes, nor about our parliamentarians and legislators. We just cannot get rid of acknowledged criminals from politics, we just cannot insulate the Police from vibrant interference by politicians, nor can we have politics without the family tree. Look at the innumerable ‘first families’. Does a Regional Power depend on the whims and fancies of a few families? Why in heavens name should any nation in this region be willing to get associated with India ruled by families rather than stand-alone politicians and unencumbered bureaucrats? As has been repeatedly said, Indian diplomats and the MEA will never let national interests interfere with their adherence to principles. This is not the characteristic and attribute of a Regional Power. Efforts to inject meritocracy into politics is invariably junked by family pressures, as also by old timers who will not go away. Octogenarians with ossified minds and inability to appreciate today’s realities, makes one wonder what really is vibrant about our democracy? Who makes policies, ill informed matriarchs, or wise and experienced officers from the IAS? The MEA does not even bother to send officers to attend courses at initial and mid-level military institutions where actual forces, strategies as well as tactics are discussed and war-gamed.

Thus they do not understand military compulsions, limitations and capabilities. Witness their botching up of the Sri Lanka imbroglio with OP PAWAN, controlling operations from New Delhi through pliable military leadership. How on the earth will they have any idea of what it takes to defend India’s frontiers? The job of our foreign service is to ensure that India is surrounded by friends, but they have successfully created antagonistic neighbours, with full support from juvenile political leadership. As has been repeatedly said, Indian diplomats and the MEA will never let national interests interfere with their adherence to principles. This is not the characteristic and attribute of a Regional Power. The MEA bosses keep, insisting on the need to take a ‘holistic eagles’ view rather than look at issues like a ‘worm’. True, indeed true, but how can this part of India’s vibrant democracy, the MEA, ensure a holistic soaring eagle viewpoint if they remain wormlike and accept nothing from other equally vibrant elements of Indian democracy? Besides, unless these holistic and eagle eye viewpoints are debated publicly in the full glare of our media, they will remain the exclusive obstinate worm-like views espoused for the last 60 years. Behave like a tortoise you will be treated like one.

The Military Takeover Paranoia

There has been since Pandit Nehru’s time the false bogey of a military coup in India – a bogey mischievously nurtured by pliant incompetent politicians and abetted by wily civil servants. It was the basis for creating huge paramilitary forces as a counterpoise, to supposedly prevent that fearful military take-over. A more despicable and unwarranted canard without any substantiated evidence could not have been espoused and sustained. The total apolitical nature of the Armed Forces has been the strongest and unshakable pillar of Indian democracy, proven under greatest of provocation both during peace and war. The shabby treatment meted out to the Armed Forces by bureaucrats and politicians at varying levels of hierarchy has been obnoxious and yet the Generals, Admirals and Air Marshals have strictly remained in their barracks. A more powerful democratic rock of India does not exist. Lackeys and sycophants of both the bureaucracy and its political leadership have sustained this bogey of a military coup, and is one of the shameful reasons why military leaders are excluded from the highest decision making groups, in which ironically, military strategies and even tactics are discussed and formalised. On many an occasions, gung-ho military leaders have added fuel to this atrocious fire. There is no soldier, sailor or airman who wants to take over governance of India and ruin the effectiveness or blunt the sharpness of the Indian military machine. This fact alone is the one mainstay that convinces the rest of the world that Indian democracy is thriving, vivacious and safe.

Media Responsibility

To effectively operate as a Regional Power, the nation needs a very responsible and mature media which can bear the burden of being part of that ‘power’. While the Fourth Estate must have its freedoms to ensure that the State does not impinge on other functions, it has some inescapable duties. It is no secret that our media is far from mature, and is unfailingly aping western media styles. Both print and electronic media have succumbed to jingoistic methods, making non-issues appear important with the infamous, “Breaking News”. To top it all, the Indian media is heavily financed by non Indian institutions which effectively control what is broadcast and written, and blow up matters that serve their wicked designs. Editors, who have limited knowledge on governance, economics, security, education, agriculture, commerce, industry, military, espouse policies that reek of ignorance and borrowed information. TV anchors declare their critically analysed deductions before the issue has been understood and examined. They attempt influencing policy by their unfounded pronouncements only because of their unimpeded reach across, the ether. They demand ‘freedom of expression and the right to know’, but will not honour others freedom to know the truth as separated from media generated ‘facts’-amazing demands from the fourth Estate. Other nations will shy away from associating with a nation where their vital interests and confidential agreements, are twisted out of context and proportion by the media. To top it all, the Indian media is heavily financed by non Indian institutions which effectively control what is broadcast and written, and blow up matters that serve their wicked designs. Very similar to bombastic definitions and dictums that emerge from Western Think Tanks which are well known for spreading misinformation to lull both adversaries and friends alike, into a false sense of well-being. That the 21st Century belongs to Asia is one such example. If indeed India and China are to determine what the world will do in the next this century, the first 10 years has not shown it to be so.

The Judiciary of a Regional Power

Finally, all disputes land up in a court of law. A Regional Power should have a judiciary that is above board and open to criticism. Indian judiciary is lacking in both vistas. Corruption, constantly being exposed at different levels in the judicial system including cronyism with the police on one hand, and criminals on the other, is frightening. Why should any nation agree to come under our “umbrella” when it would well nigh involve getting embroiled with Indian judiciary? A Regional Power does not display such unacceptable systemic infallibilities in its judicial system. Our most valuable investment is a disciplined, educated, well informed population that understands what it means to be a Regional Power , what sacrifices will be necessary and for how long. The ban on suppliers of military hardware, ammunition for Bofors artillery, may be good in law, but it is stupid for the security of the homeland. Did the judge bother to consult any military official about the adverse impact if he ruled as he did? When a citizen objects it is contempt of court. What about contempt of India’s security? What about contempt of India and Indians? Why should any nation place its security under Indian military umbrella when it can be jeopardised by a judge who sees only the law?

High Investments to Regional Power

If the adult population of India are expected to support the desire to become a Regional Power, Indian governance will have to display better capabilities. Very high investments will have to be committed towards rising to the level of a Regional Power and remaining there. Can we commit such resources today and continue for another 10 years? Proponents of Regional Power say that “power is respected even if it whispers”. Observe the timidity demonstrated by India in response to anything the Chinese do with Tibet, Arunachal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Africa, and Dalai Lama. Our overwhelming desire to appear non-aggressive stymies any positive reaction to not just China, but all other nations. So where is the power? What will we whisper? It will be a cry in the dark. Our most valuable investment is a disciplined, educated, well informed population that understands what it means to be a Regional Power , what sacrifices will be necessary and for how long. What rich dividends can Indians expect in return for supporting the vision of a Regional Power? Will it generate greater respectability, increased influence, and larger share in trade in the region? If not why should Indians forfeit their due for this illusory position? We hesitate to ask this question because the ego knows the answer is negative.

Synergy Within the Armed Forces and Other Elements of Governance

The proverbial synergy that is an elemental imperative is far from evident in the Armed Forces. The unhealthy competition between them for positions, appointments, and budgets has been the main trap-door that bureaucrats consistently open with willing support of their political masters. We have been falling victim to their guile, always and every time. Increasing defence expenditure is not the panacea to become a Regional Power. The bureaucrats and technocrats must also believe in the benefits of being a Regional Power, and initiate processes towards that aim. It is the sacred duty of the media to correctly inform us about India’s move towards becoming a Regional Power, and how it is beneficial. Unless the regional countries accept and declare Indian governance, industry, technology, and military strength as the best option for progress, how can the average Indian see a personal benefit in supporting the concept of Regional Power? This average Indian must see his “stake” blossom in making India a Regional Power. Is it there?

Why Should We Become a Regional Power?

Is it not amazing that not one proponent of India becoming a Regional Power has clarified as to why India should become a Regional Power? We entered into the Indo-Sri Lanka accord wanting to behave like a Regional Power, but failed miserably. We tried to influence events in Nepal, and failed. We have been utterly unsuccessful in dealing with Bangladesh’s support and protection to insurgents, the problem of enclaves, and their cosying up with China. Let us first become a “˜power within. We will then not need to project ourselves as a Regional Power. Others will approach us to assume the role of a Regional Power. Myanmar has not done enough to prevent insurgency and drugs even though we have been embarrassingly silent on their human rights record. Pakistan needs no mention, and our influence in Af-Pak affairs is dismal. Maldives and Bhutan are possibly the only nations where we are able to shape things our way. There is a terrible mismatch between what we can do, what we have done so far, what we are permitted to do by the nations in our region, what our internal incongruities and dissonance prevents us from doing, and the unattainable desire to become a Regional Power. But the question remains, why do we wish to become a Regional Power? What gains does the ordinary Indian get? After all he will have to pay for this status in various ways, and as said earlier, becoming a Regional Power demands heavy, continuous and prolonged investments. We have not demonstrated that capacity for investment, nor have we shown the willingness to modify our methodology of synergising all elements of governance. Why do we wish to become a Regional Power? When this question is repeatedly asked, and satisfactorily answered for all to understand, then we can proceed.


Instead of researching, advocating and insisting on a path to become a Regional Power, let’s find a wide road to become a power within. Let our strategists and thinkers concentrate on getting our act together. Let us forget about influencing events from Khyber Pass to Elephant Pass to Yangoon to Lhasa to Chittagong to Male to Karachi. We need to look at and resolve our ills and inadequacies in Sopore, Imphal, Jharkhand, Kalahandi, Telangana, Vidarbha. We must destroy rampant corruption, controlled inefficiency, poor political leadership, piteous infrastructure, gross indiscipline, disregard for the rule of law, and many more ailments that India and Indians suffer from. Let us first become a ‘power within’. We will then not need to project ourselves as a Regional Power. Others will approach us to assume the role of a Regional Power.

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2 thoughts on “The way to Regional Power status

  1. It’s really pity of us that we ask for a permanent seat in the UNSC even when we utterly failed in domestic as well as international problems. The writer has raised apt issues. It is expected from the common citizens to understand the implications of political think tanks on indian military. And of course the governance can be taken to task for its authoritative actions.

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