IDR Blog

US Foreign Policy under Trump: India will have to Deal with New Pressure Points
Reeta Tremblay | 18 Mar , 2017 0 comments

It is not surprising that after an unusual first four weeks of an exceptionally chaotic and often inefficient Trump administration, the world is wondering how it should approach the super power, particularly in view of an unstructured, personality-driven and twitter-enhanced diplomacy.    President Donald Trump’s executive order of travel...


The Shadow of Our Silence
Maj Gaurav Arya | 17 Mar , 2017 0 comments

As a nation, we choose silence. And it is in the shadow of our silence that treason spawns its many sons. Its primary weapons are intellectual elitism and social snobbery. We are told that to be a nationalist is to be cerebrally stunted, showing little understanding of how we are really meant to be, as citizens of the world. In this...


Terrorism and Radicalization - Different Twins
Prateek Kapil | 16 Mar , 2017 0 comments

The essence of terrorism is to create terror through violence. It is aimed at employing violence in an unconstitutional manner without the checks and balances of a social contract. It is to employ arbitrary force on the victim to create fear in the minds of the others. Terrorism has goals. While radicalization may lead to terrorism, it is not...


A Chinese: Closer Reflection On The Minorities Issue
Claude Arpi | 15 Mar , 2017 0 comments

Guess who is coming for dinner? On March 11, a rare event took place in Beijing: the seven members of the Politburo’s Standing Committee, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Zhang Dejiang, Yu Zhengsheng, Liu Yunshan, Wang Qishan and Zhang Gaoli dined together. According to Xinhua, they attended “a gathering on the sidelines of the annual sessions of...


The way forward with Trump

The Trump Presidency in the United States could be good or bad for us depending upon the policies we adopt. Trump signals a retreat from globalization. He intends to impose higher import duties on goods entering the US so that companies manufacture these in America leading to the creation of jobs. Specifically he has warned automakers to shift...
