Articles in Vol. 13.2 April-June 1998

Indian Defence Philosophy: A 'no-win' Concept

Indian Defence Philosophy: A 'no-win' Concept

By: Bharat Verma | Issue: Vol. 13.2 April-June 1998 | Date: 09 May , 2015

Panipat Syndrome. In times past, an Indian ruler met an invading army not at the frontiers of his kingdom but close to the seat of power. He remained well entrenched with his army within a fort or...


Why countries go for ballistic missiles?

Why countries go for ballistic missiles?

By: Upendra Chaudhary | Issue: Vol. 13.2 April-June 1998 | Date: 14 May , 2012

The nuclear tests by India and Pakistan have not only made these countries full-fledged nuclear weapon states but also increased the importance of their ballistic missiles which are capable of...


Nuclear India: Why the Tests Now?

Nuclear India: Why the Tests Now?

By: K Subrahmanyam | Issue: Vol. 13.2 April-June 1998 | Date: 11 May , 2012

No other country in the world debated going nuclear for a longer period than India and yet when the country finally took the plunge it produced more divisiveness than in any other seven declared...
