Articles By Cdr Gurpreet S Khurana

China-India Maritime Rivalry

China-India Maritime Rivalry

By: Cdr Gurpreet S Khurana | Issue: Vol. 23.4 Oct-Dec 2008 | Date: 22 Nov , 2011

In the Post-Cold War Era re-distribution of power, the balance is clearly shifting to Asia. This is primarily due to the increasing comprehensive National Power (CNP) of China and India. But as...


Securing Maritime Lifelines

Securing Maritime Lifelines

By: Cdr Gurpreet S Khurana | Issue: Vol 20.4 Oct-Dec 2005 | Date: 26 Nov , 2010

Characterised by globalisation, the present times bear a new flavour for international relations. The economic liberalization undertaken by states has led to a frenzy of commercial interactions...


India's sea-blindness

India's sea-blindness

By: Cdr Gurpreet S Khurana | Issue: Vol 24.1 Jan-Mar 2009 | Date: 03 Nov , 2010

Despite lessons from the past when India was subjugated by major sea powers, modern India is not particularly known for a maritime outlook. Recent events go further to underscore the...
